Customized consulting, training and administration of Facet5 Audition tool
Customized training – “Make Business in an international context”
Customized training and administration of Facet5 tool
Customized Consulting and Training, administration of Facet5 and ViewSuite360° tools
In order to make a concrete contribution to improving your company’s performance and competitiveness, we can conduct an analysis to understand your real needs and objectives.
Send your request, we will contact you as soon as possible.
Performance Technology Solutions S.r.l. – Via Valparaiso 10, 20144 Milano – P.IVA: 03417530965 Iscrizione Tribunale di Milano n° 03417530965 Rea n° 1673867
Introduce a transparent evaluation system integrated with the performance management system for development purposes (training and/or coaching).
Facilitate a process of change at the international level.
Specific request from the Vice President to improve his presentation skills at international seminars and conferences.
Improve the effectiveness of the corporate coaching process.
Improve the quality of the service offered by the Training department.
Increase the effectiveness of a highly strategic training programme by measuring performance indicators.
Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the selection process for two roles (“National Sales Manager”, “Commercial”) through the introduction of a validated assessment tool.
Migliorare l’efficacia del processo di coaching aziendale.
Migliorare la qualità del servizio offerto dalla funzione Formazione.
Aumentare l’efficacia di un programma formativo altamente strategico attraverso la misurazione di indicatori di performance.