In-Person and/or Remote Coaching

Courses that sow the seeds for continual growth


Our individual and team coaching courses are based on the International Coach Federation (ICF) coachee strengths-based approach.

This approach stimulates:

We create a partnership with clients who, through a creative process that stimulates reflection, will be pushed to maximise their personal and professional potential.

Tool for Coaching

All our coaches are certified in the internationally tested and approved Facet5 tool.

The use of this tool allows the coachee to become aware of their strengths and areas of development in relation to their work role and the impact of their behaviour on others.

Facet5 also maximises the effectiveness and efficiency of the coach’s work by facilitating the identification of improvement objectives and the choice of the most appropriate motivational levers to achieve them.

Our Coaching Courses

  • Individual Coaching
  • Team Coaching

Individual Coaching

Designed for individuals, both for senior management (Executive Coaching) and for all other roles (Corporate Coaching).

Thanks to Individual Coaching, it is possible to facilitate change processes, improve the management of interpersonal relationships and conflict situations, enhance your talents and develop your leadership skills.

The entire company is involved in the process and participates in defining the type of intervention, interfacing with the coach as regards administrative and logistical aspects.

The coaching sessions, of varying duration depending on the objectives to be achieved, can be conducted in person or remotely and follow a course that is divided into three main phases:


  • Needs analysis and definition of the action plan

It starts with the definition of the process and the macro-objectives of the course between the company and the coach and then the interview between coach and coachee. Clear, achievable and measurable goals are defined. At this stage, the Facet5 tool is introduced and, where appropriate, the ViewSuite360 tool.

  • Coaching sessions

These last an average of 1 hour and 30 minutes with 1 meeting every 15 days, with the total duration varying according to the objectives set and the coachee's needs.

  • Assessing the results

The coachee evaluates the course in terms of the effectiveness of the relationship with the coach and the quantitative and qualitative results obtained. Follow-up actions are also identified, and summary reports are prepared for the client company.

Team Coaching Aimed at a group of people working together interdependently within the company to achieve one or more common objectives. Through Team Coaching, it is possible to improve the effectiveness of communication and relationships between different members, maximising the contribution of all group members, and thereby creating an environment of trust, esteem, respect and mutual cooperation. Rules, processes and procedures are defined and shared to make work more effective and efficient, promoting cohesion and motivation in order to improve management processes and resolve conflicts. The coach works with the group as a single entity and adapts their intervention according to the stage of the life cycle the team is currently at (forming, storming, norming, performing). The course may also include individual sessions with the team leader between group sessions and follow a course consisting of three main phases:
  • Analysis of needs
It starts with the definition of the process and the macro-objectives of the course between the company and the coach and then the interview between coach and coachee. Clear, achievable and measurable goals are defined. At this stage, the Facet5 tool is introduced and, where appropriate, the 360° tool.
  • Coaching Sessions
These last an average of 1 hour and 30 minutes with 1 meeting every 15 days, with the total duration varying according to the objectives set. In this stage, there is the implementation of an action plan with the support of the coach.
  • Assessing the results
The team evaluates the course in terms of the effectiveness of the relationship with the coach and the quantitative and qualitative results obtained. Follow-up actions are also identified, and summary reports are prepared for the client company.

Are you interested in our services?

In order to make a concrete contribution to improving your company’s performance and competitiveness, we can conduct an analysis to understand your real needs and objectives.

Send your request, we will contact you as soon as possible.

Performance Technology Solutions S.r.l. – Via Valparaiso 10, 20144 Milano – P.IVA: 03417530965         Iscrizione Tribunale di Milano n° 03417530965 Rea n° 1673867